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Who are we?

MediaLas Electronics GmbH sees itself as a strong R&D-focused business,
which presents itself as a very experienced and innovative organisation,
both due to customer-specific developments and its own product lines.
With numerous partners, we have already developed and marketed
highly integrated display solutions. In our own in-house manufacturing facility, we produce high-performance products and modules in small batches with a very high degree of vertical integration. Several associated cooperation partners and supplier businesses
ensure a high control quality.


Over the years, MediaLas can look back over more than 15 awards for technical and creative excellence, which includes both national and international recognitions. 

The business fields of MediaLas

Laser Visualisierung und Projektion

Laser Visualisation

Laser Projectors
Craftsman guidance
Line lasers - Cross lasers
Dot lasers - Laser sources

Lab Equipment, AshCheck und Spectrometer

Online Shop

Line/Cross/Dot  Lasers
Laser diodes/Laser modules
HighPower Fiber Lasers
Galvo Scanners and sets

Laserprojektoren RGB und Lasersoftware

Customer design

Customer specific development
Spezielle Problemlösungen
Wenn andere nicht mehr weiter wissen, dann helfen wir gern. 

Linienlaser Kreuzlaser Punktlaser Lasershop

Laser Safety

Schulungen und
zum Laserschutzbeauftragten.